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With the above map, you can zoom in close to see how the submarine topography affects the Thermohaline Circulation of the oceans and its effect on our climate. One of the things that bothered me when creating my Interactive map of Oceanic Trenches and Other Undersea Phenomena is that NASA’s abstract Thermohaline Circulation map that was featured on Wikipedia’s Oceanography page did not seem to factor in the submarine topography shown in satellite maps or any submarine volcanoes or thermal vents. So I just had to plot any submarine volcanoes and thermal vents along the path, how the deep current sweeps down the west side of the mid Atlantic Ridge. The map also reveals those areas where the Thermohaline Circulation comes near to populated land masses have an impact on the Climate-Density Vulnerability Index. And, the impact of melting glacier fresh water flows in Greenland, and volcanic activity along the circulation that can impact on climate change. In addition it includes the Brine Circulation as well and how it weaves within the Thermohaline Circulation.


Thermohline Circulation deep current surface current brine current submarine topography interactive map map 3D map educational self-learning individual learning

Map Type

Keyhole Markup Language (Google Earth KML)

Map Source


George Stiller, MyReadingMapped™

Map: Topography of the Thermohaline Circulation of the Oceans by George Stiller and Jim Lee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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